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Breaking out and replacing concrete yard - Adlington

The previous week we have started a job in adlington for a repeat client. The company specialises in refurbishing skips and bins. There current yard has been worn away due to the large fork lifts pushing the heavy skips around the yard for many years. They eventually plated over the concrete to try and reduce the erosion but in some areas almost 2" of concrete has been worn away exposing mesh.

Our first job was to assess the areas they wanted to replace. We marked and then floor sawed the entire perimeter to ensure the new slab would have a nice tidy edge.

Our husqvarna FS400 LV floor saw cute through the concrete with ease, it replaced our old floor saw 12 months ago and hasn't come up against anything that it couldn't cut through.

Husqvarna FS400 LV floor saw

After the perimeter had been cut the plates that had been laid to protect the floor were removed and our 13 ton Hitachi then broke out all the concrete and we carted it away from site.

The area was graded to a depth of 200mm, compacted and then 2 layers of mesh reinforcement was placed ready for concrete.

Cemex supplied us with a very strong mix to ensure our client wouldn't have any issues with the yard eroding away anytime soon. We split the area up in to 3 pours so we could accurately retain the yards falls to allow proper drainage. Our first pour was 48 cubic meters and was given a brush finish so it would be flat enough so the new steel plates could be fitted flush with the floor but if they ever chose to remove them they would have suitable grip on the concrete surface.

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